Join the "Phil Family" by supporting
the Westchester Philharmonic today!
Contributions from friends like you play a vital role in our ability to bring you the great musical works you love, the world-class performers you admire, and the music in the classrooms that our children so richly deserve.
The easiest way to support the Phil is to have your credit card handy and make a secure contribution online here.
You may also mail a check made out to Westchester Philharmonic to:
Westchester Philharmonic
170 Hamilton Ave, Suite 350
White Plains, NY 10601

More ways to give...
IRA Charitable Rollover: The IRA Charitable Rollover allows taxpayers age 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA accounts directly to charity without first having to recognize the distribution as income. Your IRA administrator and/or tax advisor can assist.
Gifts of Stock: Gifts of appreciated securities are deductible at the average fair market price on the date of transfer. Please find detailed stock transfer instructions here.
Planned Giving: Bequests, annuities, trusts, and similar gift vehicles offer flexibility and tax advantages for you and a measure of security for us. Learn more here.
Company Match: Many employers provide matching funds on employees’ giving, and larger employers, such as IBM, utilize dedicated clearinghouses to handle the due diligence and administer the process. We are enrolled with all the major administrators. Talk to your HR department about how your personal gift might be augmented – sometimes doubled – through a company match.
Corporate Sponsorship: Are you in a decision-making position at your company? There are myriad ways to boost your company’s profile by sponsoring the Phil: Tell us about your interest in an email to or call (914) 682-3707.
The Westchester Philharmonic is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Tax ID #22-2474284