Main Stage Subscriptions
Guarantee yourself a full season of great music by subscribing to 3 or 4 main stage concerts in The Concert Hall at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College.
Subscribing is a breeze!
Call us now at (914) 682-3707 or
complete this order form and mail it to:
Westchester Philharmonic
170 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 350
White Plains, 10601
Subscription Pricing
SERIES A (4-concerts)
$368 Orchestra Center/Grand Tier
$290 Orchestra
$138 Orchestra Front/Rear & Grand Tier Side
SERIES B (3-concerts)
$285 Orchestra Center/Grand Tier
$225 Orchestra
$120 Orchestra Front/Rear & Grand Tier Side
Single tickets will be available for purchase later this summer at artscenter.org.
Please refer to the Performing Arts Center's website for all ticketing policies.
While the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College remains closed for public performances, we have expanded our chamber series at Grace Church.
Click here to view that line-up.
We hope to return to the PAC as a full orchestra by late Spring 2022.
Subscribing Has Its Benefits!
Subscribers to the Philharmonic hear great music performed by the region's premier professional orchestra
and receive a host of benefits including:
priority seating;
discount off the regular ticket prices;
the ability to exchange tickets across the series;
a free subscription to Westchester Magazine!
Best Seat in the House
Subscribers have PRIORITY SEATING - you will always receive the best available seat in the house at the time you make your purchase. You will also receive advance notice and special prices for additional Philharmonic events throughout the year, plus you'll be given the opportunity to purchase tickets before they become available to the general public!
Easy Ticket Exchange Privileges
Things come up. Schedules change. As a subscriber you can exchange your tickets for an alternate performance within the series (48 hours notice required). Simply call us at 914-682-3707.
Lost Tickets? No problem.
If you ever lose your tickets, don't panic. You have LOST TICKET INSURANCE. Just come by the Box Office at The Performing Arts Center on the day of the concert and we'll arrange replacement vouchers for your seats.
For more information about your subscriber benefits, please call our office at (914) 682-3707.