Diane Bruce, Violin

Violinist Diane Bruce performs regularly at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center with the American Syphony, American Composers Orchestra and American Ballet Theater, among others.She has served as Principal Second of the Chautauqua Symphony since 1993. She has played for many Broadway shows, including Les Mis, An American in Paris and The King and I, and plays at Radio City for the Christmas Spectacular and for Encores at City Center.
Diane received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music from the Juilliard School.
In addition to maintaining a violin teaching studio in Metuchen, NJ, she is an AmSat certified teacher of the Alexander Technique www.dianebrucealexandertechnique.com
When not performing or teaching Diane enjoys swimming and biking, gardening, meditation and playing fetch with her indefatigable Whippet, Bebti.